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Daily Archives: April 10th, 2009

1/500th of a second to get the shot…                               … a lifetime to forget it.

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For a man who spent his life behind the camera, the tables have well and truly turned. It is Eddie Adams (June 12, 1933 – September 19, 2004), an American photojournalist who is the subject of Susan Morgan‘s latest documentary, An Unlikely Weapon: The Eddie Adams Story. Opening tonight in New York and narrated by  Keifer Sutherland, it has attracted the attention of film and photography enthusiasts alike.

During his prolific career Adams won a Pulitzer Prize for the image shown above (Nguyễn Ngọc Loan executing Nguyễn Văn Lém on February 1, 1968), and earned the admiration of a generation for his work documenting a total of 13 wars, 6 American presidents and every major film star over the last 50 years. History would be changed through his lens. 

Indeed the film has already earned itself two accolades, but it has some way to go if it is to compete with the 500 Adams earned in his lifetime!

To find out how you can see the whole film for yourself, click here.


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It might be months since the election of the century but Obama-mania shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. First there were t-shirts, then came the mugs and now its a feature-length documentary, By The People: The Election Of Barack Obama. – acquired by Sony Pictures Worldwide and set to make its debut on HBO.

Following in the footsteps of The War Room, a documentary on Clinton’s presidential campaign, directors Amy Rice and Alicia Sams have teamed up with Edward Norton‘s Class 5 Films to make the political documentary of 2009. 

This type of film typically would only be intended for political enthusiasts, but with Barack Obama’s ‘rockstar’ status, Sony may well have a hit on their hands.

If like me, and most of the world, you just can’t get enough, then click here to find out more.